Adobe PhoneGap

Adobe PhoneGap – Pros and Cons

Adobe PhoneGap is an open-source cloud-based framework for developing mobile apps. It works using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML to make web apps usable on mobile devices. In other words, PhoneGap is a cross-platform development solution for bridging the gap between web apps and smartphones and tablets.

Adobe PhoneGap is a distribution of Apache Cordova, a longstanding framework for building hybrid web applications. Read on to learn more about the pros and cons of Adobe PhoneGap and whether this framework is still relevant.

Adobe PhoneGap Pros

Adobe PhoneGap emerged from the Apache Cordova framework as a fast and convenient solution to building simple cross-platform mobile apps. Strong backing from a community of developers made it a solid choice for many teams already familiar with Apache Cordova but looking for a smoother development process.

Adobe PhoneGap Cons

In October 2020, Adobe PhoneGap Build, the cloud-based code compiling service, has been discontinued, meaning that the platform will no longer receive updates. What’s more, Adobe will no longer invest in PhoneGap or Apache Cordova, either.

As mobile platforms like iOS and Android launch new features, Adobe PhoneGap will probably lag behind before long, though developers can go back to Apache Cordova, the framework out of which PhoneGap emerged. This is by far the major con of Adobe PhoneGap. Here are some others that you need to know.

The Bottom Line

Adobe PhoneGap has helped many developers over the years, especially through its ability to compile code in the cloud and shortening development times. In recent times, however, the platform hasn’t been getting as many updates and subsequently lost ground to other mobile and web cross-development frameworks like React, Flutter, and Xamarin.

In the end, developers looking to build cross-platform apps that look like native ones and run smoothly will likely have to turn their attention to other platforms. Outdated plugins and lack of updates make Adobe PhoneGap a problematic choice for app development projects across all platforms.

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